Ashburton Bibliography
Some books and articles that I have found on Ashburton. It is worth searching The Internet Archive http://archive.org/ for free downloads of books and articles out of copyright
The Case of Richard Reynell Esq., against Roger Tuckfield and Robert Ball, Esquires, touching the Election for Ashburton
Fol. Single sheet, London, 1708
A Guide to the Scenery in the neighbourhood of Ashburton, Devon.
Rev J P Jones, of North Bovey, Exeter 1823. Another edition Exeter 1830
Totnes Roads. The case and allegations of the Trustees of the Totnes Road Act and Creditors on the Tolls against the Bill for a Turnpike Road from Traveller's Rest in the parish of Ashburton to the town of Newton Bushell etc.
Fol. A Plan of the Roads, London 1761?
A Monody upon the death of Lord Ashburton
4to. London, 1784
Rural Employments in Spring: or the Pleasures of a Country Life in Devonshire. A Poem in three Parts.
W Mann, Ashburton, author of The Asylum for the Blind, and other poems, Ashburton 1825
Bibliotecha Devoniensis, a Catalogue of the Printed Books relating to the County of Devon, James Davidson, Exeter 1852
Ashburton and its neighbourhood Charles Worthy publ L. B. Varder, Ashburton 1875
Oak Carving at Ashburton in Tudor Days, P F S Amery, Devon Notes and Queries, 1900, available to read for free from https://archive.org
The Ashburton Book of Poems The Pupils of The Ashburton Grammar School publ Herbert Russell, London 1920s/30s
Ashburton Grammar School W. S. Graf printed S. T. Elson Ashburton 1938
Churchwardens' Accounts of Ashburton 1479 – 1580, Alison Hanham, Devon & Cornwall Record Society printed Devonshire Press 1970
Two Medieval Houses in Ashburton, Devon, Michael Laithwaite Devon Archaeology Society 29 p181-94 1971
Ashburton the Dartmoor Town Francis Pilkington Devon Books 1978
Ashburton of Yesteryear John Germon and Pete Webb Obelisk Publications 1993
The Pubs and Inns of Ashburton Pete Webb 1995 Obelisk Publications
The Totnes to Ashburton Railway Anthony R Kingdom Ark Publications 1995
Branch Line to Ashburton Vic Mitchell and Keith Smith publ Middleton Press 1997
Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Cottage Hospital – a Short History Pete Webb printed Henry Bradford and Son 1998
Past Portreeves of Ashburton Pete Webb publ P. Webb 1998 (7th ed 2011)
The Book of Ashburton Stuart Hands and Pete Webb publ Halsgrove 2004, new ed 2012
Guides to Ashburton - a series of guides, produced by various organizations (eg Ashburton Urban District Council; Ashburton Chamber of Trade and Commerce) have been produced over the years. Titles vary - eg Guide to Ashburton, Ashburton Official Guide, The Ancient Stannary Town of Ashburton, Devon, etc.
St Andrew's Church, Ashburton - A Guide and Short History publ St Andrew's Church Publicity and Magazine Committee. Various editions. 5th edition updated (and probably others) has a list of Vicars of Ashburton 1257 - 2011.
Horsepower, The Dartington Rural Archive, 1985 has a chapter where Bill Tucker (born 1887) describes his life as a blacksmith in Ashburton
Prisoners of War in the Dartmoor Towns, French and American Officers on Parole 1803-1815, Trevor James, Orchard Publications, 2000
The Street and Place Names of Ashburton, Pete Webb, printed by Ashburton Town Council 2013
Motor 'Buses of Ashburton, Buckfastleigh and District, Roger Grimley, revised and extended second edition, Kingsbridge 2014.
Marbles: their geology, history and uses, Gordon Walkden, Geologists'
Association Guide No.72, 2015, in 2 vols. Has an in-depth investigation
into Ashburton marble.
Devon Parish Taxpayers 1500 - 1650, vol 1, edited by Todd Gray, Devon and Cornwall Record Society, Exeter 2016.
Enormous Reckless Blunder, Dr Ali Whiteford, Islands Book Trust, Isle
of Lewis 2017. This book is about the Lewis Chemical Works, in which
Henry Caunter and James Matheson were involved.
Power and Conflict in Eighteenth Century India: The Life of Solomon Earle, Dr. Robert Adams, York 2019. www.yps-publishing.co.uk Solomon Earle, born in Ashburton, was a captain in the East India Company army.
Articles about Ashburton in The Transactions of the Devonshire Association:
Notice of Supposed Acoustic Jars found in the Parish Church of St. Andrew, at Ashburton John S Amery 1873 vol 6 pt 1
Some Hitherto Unrecorded Hill Fortresses Near Ashburton P. F. S. Amery 1873 vol 6 pt 1
Memoir of John Dunning, First Lord Ashburton Robert Dymond 1876 vol 8
The Ancient Stannary of Ashburton R. N. Worth 1876 vol 8
A Memoir of Bishop Stapledon. L.C. Worthy, 1876 vol 8
Sketch of Ashburton and the Woollen Trade P F S Amery 1876 vol 8
The Ashburton Urn, J Phillips 1876 vol 8
Two Ashburton Scholars: Gifford and Ireland, Rev Treasurer J M Hawker 1876 vol 8
A Tangle in the History of Ashburton, P F S Amery 1896 vol28
The Representatives of the Borough of Ashburton [1298, 1407, 1661-1865], Rev J B Pearson 1896 vol 28
Early Nonconformity in Ashburton, E Windeatt 1896 vol 28
The Parish registers of Ashburton and Buckland in the Moor, Rev W M Birch 1896 vol 28
Residents in Ashburton and Adjoining Parishes in 1588 [from Lay Subsidy Roll], J S Amery 1896 vol 28
Some Devonian Items [Deeds, Wills, etc. Mainly Relating to Ashburton, Widecombe and Buckfastleigh], R N Worth 1896 vol 28
John Knowles, F.R.S. [1781-1841, buried Ashburton], T W Windeatt 1896 vol 28
Botanical Notes [plants in South Molton, Okehampton, Ashburton, Kingsbridge], Helen Saunders 1898 vol 30
The Freemans of Ashburton, Buckfastleigh, Bovey Tracey, etc., Miss Ethel Lega-Weekes 1913 vol 45
The Ashburton of past days: its manners, customs and inhabitants (Presidential Address), J S Amery 1924 vol 56
Vicars of Ashburton since the Commonwealth, T Cann Hughes 1925 vol 56
On Some Guide Stones Standing on the Course of the Old Track from Tavistock to Ashburton [1699-1670?], David C Prowse and R Hansford Worth 1934, vol 66
Observations and Comparisons made above Ashburton during the same period [February and March 1947 see paper in same volume by Hermon French], E Amery Adams 1947 vol 79
Memories of Ashburton in Late Victorian Days, John Satterly 1952 vol 84
Court entries of the Borough of Ashburton, Hamlyn Parsons 1747 – 1803 1955 vol 87
St. Andrew's Church, Ashburton : History and Description of the Fabric, C Fryer Cornelius1959 vol 91
Some Notes on Ashburton Grammar School, Dom J Stephan 1959 vol 91
An Ashburton and Totnes Worthy: Edmund Bishop (1846 – 1917), Dom J Stephan 1959 vol 91
A Tangle Untangled: Lordship of the Manor and Borough of Ashburton, H. J. Hanham,1962 vol 94
Ashburton as a Parliamentary Borough, 1640-1868, H. J. Hanham, 1966 vol 98
The Suppression of the Chantries in Ashburton, H. J. Hanham, 1967 vol 99
Ashburton Valley - An Example of the Study of River Capture, D Brunsden 1968 vol 100
The Whiddon Tin Mine, Ashburton, Ronald F Homer 1996 vol 128
Druid Mine Ashburton, Phil Newman 2003 vol 135
Parishioner Labor in the Late Medieval Parish of Ashburton, Lacey Bonar, graduate thesis, West Virginia, 2015
https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6272&context=etd - accessed 03-01-2022
(See http://www.devonassoc.org.uk/transactions.htm for more on The Devonshire Association for the advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts) - Accessed 11-1-2014
Novels which include at least one reference to Ashburton:
1924 Edgar Wallace, The Three Oak Mystery
2012 Barbara Vine, The Child's Child