The Ashburton branch of the Berry family
There are several problems with researching the Berry family: there are a lot of them, they do not always register events where one might expect, and some of their records appear to be missing. In addition, to this day a lot of the males are called either John or Richard, although the tradition is for the eldest son to be called John, and a later son Richard. Some of the Berrys in the 1800s were disinclined to marry, even when they had children. The following is my attempt to disentangle some of their relationships from the middle of the 18th century. It begins with disconnected entries in italics. Numbers in brackets indicate different people with the same name.
Many thanks to Richard Berry for the information about naming patterns.
1763 William Berry was buried on December 30th.
1775 Elizabeth Berry the elder was buried on December 5th
George Berry was buried on the 21st of June, 1762.
1779 Thomazin Berry the elder was buried September 8th.
1785 Rebekah Berry and Richard Litterell were married on January 21st. They were both of the parish.
1793 Nicholas Berry, of the parish of North Bovey, married Thomazin Leaman of Ilsington on 15th December at Ashburton. The banns register shows Nicholas as a widower.
1794 June 29th. Sarah, the daughter of Nicholas and Thomazin Berry, was baptised.
1828 Tammey Berry, who died in this year, may equal Thomazin Berry, entered onto the Death Duty registers of the PCC and county courts. The wife of Nicholas?
1828 Nichs Berry, who died in this year, entered onto the Death Duty registers of the PCC and county courts
Ref IR27/204, Index to Death Duty registers 1796-1903
In 1829 G. Berry of Ashburton married Miss T Wills of Liskeard.
Western Times 17 January 1829 p4 col6
All the above from the Parish register
Richard Berry and Mary Angel
26 October 1750 Richard Berry and Mary Angel, both of the parish, were married at Ashburton.
Assuming that a memorial in Ashburton churchyard refers to this couple, Richard was born in 1724 (see below), and Mary was born in 1726
In the mid 1700s a Richard Berry and his wife Mar(r)y have a number of children baptised. Assuming they are the same parents, the children are: John 1752; Mary 1753; Rebecca 1762; Richard 1765; Elizabeth 1767 and John 1769.
Parish register
1793. A list of inhabitants who were prepared to pay bounties to those volunteering to join the naval service was drawn up in Ashburton. Richard Berry was one of them. He may (or may not) have been the Richard snr. or jnr. above.
Bounties to Seamen at Ashburton (1793), Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries 1 (1900-01), pp197-198. A transcription by Jonathan Frayne is on Genuki at - Accessed 21-02-2015
1804 Richard Berry 'the elder' was buried in November.
Parish register
It seems likely that this was the Richard who married Mary Angel in 1750 - a memorial in Ashburton churchyard says that Richard, the husband of Mary, died aged 80 on November 18th, 1804.
The same memorial says that Mary, the wife of Richard, died on the 8th October 1805, aged 79
Ashburton Archive
1803 Richard Berry [jnr.] married Rebecca May on 7 February 1803 at Ashburton. The Berry men tend to marry relatively late - is this the Richard baptized in 1765, the son of Richard and Mary?
Parish records
Mary May Berry was baptised 25 December 1803, and Rebecka Berry was baptized 28 May 1806, both to parents Richard and Rebecca.
Parish records
In 1819 Richard Berry, merchant, was one of a number of people to write to the Prince Regent pledging support for the monarchy after the Peterloo Massacre. This may be the Richard Berry above.
See People and properties 1800s for a full list and more about the Peterloo Massacre.
Exeter Flying Post 2 December 1819 p1 cols 4,5
February 1839. Rebecca Berry is buried aged 78. The wife of Richard in the next entries?
Parish register
The 1841 census shows Richd Berry aged 78, master (?) in the same household as Rebecca Berry, aged 30. This suggests a birth date for Richard of 1762/1763.
1841 census HO107, Piece 253, Book 3, Folio 21, p36
1842 Richard Berry was buried in February, aged 78
Parish register
Philip Berry and Mary Cranch Bennett
Philip Berry married Mary Cranch Bennett in Ashburton in February 1755.
Parish register
1760 John Berry, son of Philip and Mary, was baptized at the Salem Chapel, Newton Abbot, on the 24th April
1762 Philip Berry was buried on May 4th.
Jun 1793. John Berry married Molly Hill in Ilsington.
Parish register transcript, Devon FHS
They have a child Mary, who died in April 1873, aged 76 (therefore born circa 1797
Mary was possibly in Chudleigh for the 1851 (aged 53),1861 (aged 63),1871 (aged 73) census, describing herself sometimes as an annuitant or fundholder, born in Ashburton.
1851 census HO107, piece no. 1870, folio 471, p55
1861 census RG09, piece no. 1402, folio 88, p25
1871 census RG10, piece no. 2076, folio 17, p25
I believe that John, born circa 1795, and Richard Bennett Berry, born circa 1799, were also children of John and Mary/Molly. John and Richard Bennett Berry went bankrupt in 1828, and later John is named on a lease with Molly Berry. Richard's name suggests a connection to Mary Cranch Bennett; at least one of his children has the name Hill incorporated into their forenames.
1803 The partnership between Austin Widger and John Berry in the firm of A. Widger and Co. of Ashburton was about to be dissolved on 22 March. The company had carried on a yarn making and spinning Jenny business.
Exeter Flying Post 3 March 1803 p2 col4
In 1800 and 1804 there were various lease agreements between John Pollexfen Bastard and John Berry of Ashburton. The land involved is the manor of Auswells, part of Auswell Common, and fields called Kiln Close and the Vetches.
Refs Plymouth and West Devon Record Office 74/137/19 (year 1800)
74/697/14 (year 1804),
Devon Heritage Centre 74/9/6/13a-b (year 1800)
A memorial in Ashburton churchyard says that Mary Cranch Berry died on the 21st November 1807. She was 73.
Ashburton Archive
1814 The Ladies' Association for the relief of destitute orphans in
Germany raised a subscription amounting to £500. Contributors from
Ashburton included Mrs. John Berry, Mrs. R. Berry and Miss Eliza Berry.
Exeter Flying Post 1 December 1814 p4 col5
1816 A notice in the Exeter Flying Post concerning the re-election of Mr. Bastard included the following: Richard Berry, John Berry and John Berry junior.
Exeter Flying Post 5 December 1816 p1 col2
The partnership of Carlile and Berry jnr., worsted spinners of Ashburton, was dissolved in 1819. The News (London) named the pair as R Carlile and J Berry jun.
Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser, 27 September 1819, p1 col3
The News (London) 3 October 1819, p6 col1
August 1824 John Berry, aged 64, was buried. This gives him a birth date of 1759 or 1760, and suggests he was the son of Philip Berry and Mary.
Parish register
A memorial in Ashburton churchyard says that John, the husband of Mary, died on 17th August 1824. The same memorial says that Mary, the wife of John, died on the 8th August 1832, aged 67.
Their daughter Mary, aged 76, died in April 1873.
Ashburton Archive
1825 John Berry, who died in this year (?), entered onto the Death Duty registers of the PCC. Molly Berry was the administratrix.
Ref IR27/34, Index to Death Duty registers 1796-1903
Mary Berry died in August 1832, and was buried on the 18th. She was 67, therefore born circa 1764/65.
Parish register
1832 was the probate year for Molly Berry, Ashburton
Devon wills index 1163-1999
1827 was the birth year of Richard Bennett Berry (2), calculated from his death aged 22 in 1849 (see below)
A small item in newspapers in September 1828 announced
that John Berry and Richard Bennett Berry (1), serge manufacturers, were
The following April a mill used as a woollen factory
in Ermington was for sale, as was 13 acres of land in Ashburton, known
as Kiln Close and Vetches, and in May 1829 the house, farm and lands
known as Lower Hole, (probably Lower Hele), Ashburton were up for auction.
Exeter Flying Post 25 September 1828 p3 col4
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 11 April 1829 p1 col4
Western Times 2 May 1829 p2 col2
In June a lease was signed between Charles Webb, William Searle
Bentall (assignees under a Commission of bankruptcy
awarded against John Berry and Richard Bennett Berry), Molly Berry of Ashburton, widow and John Berry, (one of the bankrupts) for the first part and John Bovey for the second, for fields called the Kiln Close and the Vetches. £420 was paid.
National Archives ref
74/9/6/17a-. Document held at the Devon Heritage Centre.
In December 1829
the Western Times advertised the auction of the Rew Down Estate,
following the bankruptcy of John Berry and Richard Bennett Berry,
woollen manufacturers late of Ashburton and Ivybridge.
Western Times 19 December 1829 p1 col2
In 1832 John
Berry was selling premises privately off Kingsbridge Lane. Described as a
family residence with extensive manufacturing premises alongside, it
had a paved courtyard and underground cellars. The front room was 43
feet by 18. The premises had stabling for 16 horses and walled gardens
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 10 November 1832 p2 col1
Richard Bennett Berry (1)
1799 was the birthdate of Richard Bennett Berry (1), calculated from his death aged 77 in 1876.
Richard Bennett Berry (2) died in the 4th quarter of 1849, with his death being registered in the Newton Abbot registration district. His burial record, for December 26th, shows him to have been 22. There is a possible, but by no means certain, connection of Richard to Richard Bennett Berry (1) born c 1799, and/or to Philip Berry who married Mary Cranch Bennett in Ashburton in February 1755.
Parish records
Anne Slocombe had a son baptized in March 1827 as Richard Bennett Berry Slocombe. No father was named. Might this be the same person?
Parish register
Richard Bennett Berry 'was a member of an old Ashburton family engaged in the woollen trade. During the time of depression, caused by the removal of the East India Company monopoly, he obtained a Government appointment in Jamaica, which he held until failing health and a longing for home brought him again to England in 1873, when he settled at Torquay. He joined the Association last year at its Ashburton meeting, and lived to receive the Transactions, which he perused with much pleasure. He died at his residence, 18, Belgrave Terrace, Torquay, on the 20th November 1876, aged 77 years.'
Transactions of the Devonshire Association, vol 9, 1877, p60, available through - Accessed 11-02-2017
On 10th February 1838 Mary Hill Berry was baptised in Kingston, Jamaica. Her parents were Richard Barnett Berry and Jane Henrietta.
In December 1844 Richard Bennett Berry (3) and Mary Frances Berry were baptised in Kingston, Jamaica. Their parents are Richard Bennett Berry and Jane Henrietta.
Another boy was baptised a year later, with Jane Henrietta's name now being Jane Henrietta Pickersgill.
This boy and other children can be found at:
Wesleyan Methodist Baptisms, - Accessed 12-02-2017 (copyright restrictions prevent my putting full details) - John born 1845, Jane born 1849 and Emily Grace born 1860.
New West Ground, Kingston: 'Mary Hill, daughter of R B Berry Esq., Controller of H M Customs, Kingston, and Jane Henrietta his wife, who died 19th May 1842, aged 4 years and 4 months. Also of their infant son Henry, who died 5th Septr, 1855, aged 1 year & 3 months....Mary Frances Berry, another beloved daughter, died 29th Augt., 1857, in the 14 year of her age.'
Monumental Inscriptions of the British West Indies, from the earliest date, chiefly collected on the spot by Captain J H Lawrence-Archer, London, 1875, p184
The 1901 census has a Jane Berry, living on her own means, in St Marychurch. Single and aged 49, she was born in Kingston, Jamaica. She has a housekeeper and a housemaid.
Berry, a spinster of St Marychurch, Torquay, died on January 8th 1931,
aged 79; Kitsons, Hutchings, Easterbrook and Co were seeking claimants
to her estate. The solicitors stated that Jane was the daughter of
Richard Bennett Berry, who was believed to have had a brother John who
died in 1872, and whose family lived 'at or near Ashburton'.
1901 census RG13, piece no 2061, folio 79, p11
Western Morning News 29 November 1932, p1 col2
Richard Bennett Berry is named as one of the shareholders of the Kingston and Liguanea Waterworks Company in 1858.
The Laws of Jamaica passed in the twenty-second year of the reign of Queen Victoria, Jamaica 1859, p1220
Richard Bennett Berry (1) died in the December quarter of 1876, in the Newton Abbot registration district. He was 77.
Berry, of 18, Belgrave Terrace, Torquay, and Peter Fabyan Sparke Amery,
of Druid House, Ashburton, were executors; according to the London
Gazette he died on November 20th, and his will was proved at the Exeter
District Registry a month later. He was 'late of Torquay'.
The London Gazette 12 January 1877, p187
Richard Bennett Berry was buried in Torquay Cemetery. He was of 18, Belgrave Terrace.
Family History Society transcription, Devon Heritage Centre ref
4241-C-PR-1-2, available through
John Berry
In January 1830 twin boys, John Berry Westaway and Simeon Berry Westaway, were christened in Ashburton. They had been born on 31st October 1829. Their mother, Susan Westaway, is the only parent named.
are other children born to Susan with the middle name Berry
(occasionally Barry): George in 1832, Mary in 1834 and, Ann in 1836
A case in 1830, Berry v. West, involved 3 bags of wool that the plaintiff, Berry, had placed in the keeping of West, a farmer. The plaintiff was described as a wool-manufacturer of Ashburton. Richard Berry gave evidence - he was described as a brother of the plaintiff.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 20 March 1830, p3, cols2,3
1833 A correspondent to the Western Times, writing about Buckfast Abbey, claimed that it was for some time 'in the possession of Mr. Berry, an extensive manufacturer in the woollen line.'
Western Times 8 June 1833 p3,col2
The 1841
census shows various children living in the household of Susan Westaway, a shopkeeper in North Street. Many of them read as though Berry is their surname, although the enumerator may have intended them to read Berry Westaway. They
include John and Simeon Berry, aged 10, and one year old Richard Berry.
1841 census HO107, Piece 253, Book 3, Civil parish Ashburton, Enumeration district 10, Folio 11, p16
In the same census John Berry, serge manufacturer (? The census is unclear), was in the household of John Giles in North Street. He was aged approximately 40.
1841 census HO107, Piece no. 253, Book 2, Folio 13, p20
1850 White's
Directory of Devonshire shows John Berry as a serge and blanket
manufacturer in North Street, and Richard Berry living at The Hall.
History, Gazetteer and Directory of Devonshire, 1850, William White p466
John Berry's factory at Ashburton is mentioned in an article on the manufacturing industry in Devon in 1850.
Western Times 26 January 1850, p8 col5
In December 1850 the death was announced of Richard Berry, 11 years old, youngest son of John Berry, woollen manufacturer.
Exeter Flying Post 20 December 1850 p8 col6
21 year old Simeon is living next door to Susan
Westaway in North Street, with his 56 year old (unmarried)
father, John. John is a woollen manufacturer, employing 21 men, 17 boys,
60 women and 10 girls.
One of Susan's sons, aged 21, is named John Berry Westaway.
1851 census HO107, Piece 1871, Folio 324, p23
Shortly after the census, in the 2nd quarter of 1851, John Berry married Susan Westaway.
The Exeter and Plymouth Gazette reported that the wedding took place on May 7th at Newton Abbot
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 17 May 1851 p5 col6
Devon wills index 1163-1999
The 1871 census shows a Berry family in St. Lawrence Lane headed by John Berry, aged 75. He is a woollen manufacturer employing 325 people. Amongst his children living with him are John and Simeon, both aged 40 and both unmarried. John Snr's age of 75 suggests a birth date of 1795 or 1796.
1871 census RG10, Piece 2080, Folio 73, p20
On November 18th of the same year John Berry, aged 76, died at his home in St Lawrence's Street after a short illness.
Of the firm Berry and Sons, he had been involved in woollen manufacture for half a century, starting at a time when the spinning jenny was still in use. Machinery had improved since that time, and by his 'perseverance and energy' the business had grown to its present extensive premises on the River Dart. Together with another mill the firm employed 'hundreds' of people.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 24 November 1871 p5 col6
Western Times 24 November 1871 p7 col2
Susan Berry who died aged 70 in the December quarter of 1872 (buried on December 12th) was probably his wife.
Parish register
1876 John Berry*, of John Berry and Sons, Ashburton and Buckfast, married Eleanor Dobell from the Royal Hotel, Truro.
By the second quarter of the same year Simeon Berry had married Jessie Mary Hern, the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette describing it as a 'fashionable wedding'. Jessie was the daughter of Mr. John Hern.
*ie John Berry Jnr.
Western Times 15 January 1876 p2 col3
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 28 April 1876 p8 col3
The 1881 census shows John and Eleanor living in East St with their 3 children: John aged 3, Richard B. Berry aged 2, and Eleanor, less than a year old.
Richard Bennett Berry (4)'s birth was registered in the 1st quarter of 1879.
1881 census RG11, Piece no.2161, Folio 65, p5.
Meanwhile in Exeter, John's sister Ann (Annie) was living with her husband John F Husson - they married in 1865. John is a 40 year old woollen merchant, Annie is 41. Both were born in Ashburton.
Ann was a widow by 1884, living at Kilmorie, Exeter, but she died suddenly whilst on a visit to her brother John in East Street.
1881 censusu RG11, Piece no. 2150, Folio 65, p3
Western Times 13 September 1884, p4 col1
'Tenders are invited for the erection of a residence at Ashburton for John Berry esq.' Tenders were to be sent to S Dobell, architect and surveyor, Exeter.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 8 March 1887 p1, col5
Many thanks to Richard and Frances Berry for this photograph

December 18th 1887. Rebecca Berry is buried, aged 81. If unmarried, she may have been the daughter of Richard and Rebecca, who was baptized in 1806.
Parish register
Rebecca Berry, an unmarried annuitant aged 64, was living in East Street (possibly Ireland's Court) at the time of the 18711 census.
Rebecca Berry, an unmarried annuitant aged 74, was living in West Street at the time of the 1881 census.
The account of his funeral said that the funeral was 'the largest that has ever been seen in the town.' It mentions his widow, an S. Berry (brother), J and B Berry (sons), Miss Berry, (sister) and Mr. J. B. Honeywill (nephew), plus various members of the Dobell family. Nearly 400 works people attended, and the church was filled to capacity.
Western Times 28 March 1889 p4 col5
Western Times 2 April 1889 p8 col3
John Berry died intestate, and letters of administration were granted to his widow, Mrs Eleanor Berry.
The Scotsman, 5 July 1889, p6 col6
The 1891 census shows Eleanor Berry, a 41 year old widow, living at Kenwyn House, together with her 10 year old daughter Eleanor and 9 year old son Maurice Simeon*.
The same census shows 60 year old Simeon Berry, a woollen manufacturer, living next door at Waverly Hall.
*Horace Simeon in the birth indices, 1901 census RG13 piece no 2053, folio 12, p16 and British Army Service records.
John Satterly, who was born in Ashburton in 1879, later wrote about his memories of the town when he was a boy. John Berry had had a mill in North Street with a weir on the river Yeo (now the Ashburn), but his sons John and Simeon then operated the business from Buckfast. The offices, and the sorting shops alongside, were still in Kingsbridge Lane, where huge bags of the sorted and partly cleaned wool were lowered by pulley before being loaded onto carts, ready to be transported to Buckfast.
'The Berrys of John Berry and Sons attended chapel. On the occasion of a strike at the mills consequent on a refusal of a demand for more wages Mr Oliphant had a special Sunday afternoon service for the work-people. This angered the Berry family and most of them forsook chapel for church.'
Memories of Ashburton in Late Victorian Days, John Satterly, The Devonshire Association Report and Transactions 1952, vol84, pp 35, 28
1894 A question was asked in the House of Commons concerning Messrs Berry and Sons, Ashburton, and the allegation that a number of their employees had been dismissed for joining a trade union. The company had a contract with the War Office for the supply of serge, but the Secretary of State for War, Mr. Campbell Bannerman, said that the office had received no complaints on the matter. He later commented that the firm only had a small contract with the War Office.
Western Times 11 April 1894 p4 col2
14 August 1895. At St. Peter’s, Harrogate, George Berry, of London, third son of J. Berry, Ashburton, Devon, married Mary Blanche, eldest daughter of T. C. Fawley. Harrogate (formerly of Sheffield).
London Standard 16 August 1895 p1
1900 Susan Berry was buried on November 8th, aged 74.
Parish register
John Berry died in June 1906* after a few days' illness, aged only 28. Living at Kenwyn, he was a director of John Berry and Sons Ltd. A member of both Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Urban District Councils, he was also a manager of Ashburton School. A past president of the Constitutional Club and a past master of the Ashburton Lodge of Freemasons, he had captained the cricket club and had been involved with football. 'Of a genial disposition he was deservedly popular...'
He died intestate - his estate was valued at £19,948.
Western Times 19 June 1906 p6 col6
*Presumably the son of John and Eleanor - 3 years old on the 1881 census above.
Western Times 26 September 1906 p2 col3
Totnes Weekly Times 29 September 1906, p8 col6

Many thanks to Richard and Frances Berry for this image
Simeon Berry, a J. P. for the county, died in March 1908. Head of the firm of Messrs. Berry and Sons, woollen manufacturers of Ashburton, he was 'about 79'*.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 9 March 1908, p6 col5
* 78 according to his death registration.
George Edward Berry, the son of Richard Bennett Berry and Emma Rosamond, was baptized in December 1914. Richard was a woollen manufacturer, living at Kenwyn.
Parish records

The men are unidentified; but if the female servants are the same as on the 1911 census, they are (order unknown):
Daisy Furneaux Barden, housemaid; Alice Lilian Anning, nurse; and Olive Hart, cook.
The older children would be John and Richard Geoffrey Berry: their parents were Richard Bennett Berry, woollen manufacturer, and his wife Emma Rosemond.
1911 census RG14, piece no. 12725
Many thanks to Richard and Frances Berry for this photograph and information
Mrs Berry, of Coniston, Paignton, died in September 1927. She was the widow of Mr Simeon Berry, of Waverley Hall, Ashburton. The funeral service was held at Ashburton.
Western Morning News 12 September 1927, p2 col7
Family tradition has it that Kenwyn was run for a while as a hotel, and the Kingsley Hotel seems the best candidate, primarily because of the 1939 register, and the property's telephone number (see below).
In May 1927 passengers were sought for a large touring car travelling to London and back. Interested parties were to contact Hellens, at the Kingsley Hotel, Ashburton. Another similar advertisement says to contact the proprietor.
Western Morning News, 14 May 1927, p2 col3
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 20 May 1927, p4 col3
'Disturbing times at Ashburton'
The following month Mrs E D Brockman, of Burnham-on-Sea, brought a breach of contract case against Mr Nicholas Hellens of The Kingsley Hotel. Mrs Brockman was to have had 3 unfurnished rooms at the Kingsley Hotel for 30s a week, with an additional 30s a week for full board. After an incident in which a guest of Mrs Brockman lost some money, a 'scene' ensued between Mrs Brockman and another resident. At this point Mr Hellens told Mrs Brockman to leave, and to collect her furniture at a later date. In his defence, he said that Mrs Brockman was 'making herself objectionable to the rest of the guests.'
The judge declared that the case was 'a storm in a teacup'. He did not think that there was any breach in the agreement to give 6 months notice to quit the rooms, and therefore found for the defendant.
Western Times 17 June 1927, p5 col7
'A bright and happy Christmas' could be had at the Kingsley Hotel in December 1930. It had a good dance-room, moderate terms and free garaging.
Western Morning News 17 December 1930, p1 col2
The Kingsley Hotel was amongst businesses advertising in a Guide to Ashburton. It was, the advertisement said, adjoining the main Exeter to Plymouth road. Produced by Ashburton Urban District Council, the guide can be dated to between 1930 and 1935. Ashburton was bypassed in the early 1930s. (See Travelling, under Gathering Together)
Western Morning News 17 March 1932, p3 col4
An advertisement in 1936 said that the hotel was situated within three and a half acres of private grounds.
Western Morning News 20 April 1936, p2 col7
In April 1939 a daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Frank Squire of the Kingsley House Hotel.
North Devon Journal 20 April 1939, p8 col7
An advertisement the next month gives the telephone number of the hotel as 243*
Western Morning News 8 May 1939, p4 col6
*Whilst operating as a residential care home - well into the 21st century - the telephone number for Kenwyn was 652243.
In the 1939 register, Thomas A F Squire is a private hotel proprietor at the Kingsley Hotel; his wife is Florence M.
Richard B Berry and Emma R Berry are at the hotel - both their occupations are 'private means.'
The properties on the register do not seem to always follow a logical order. The house before the Kingsley Hotel is Peartree House, and the properties following are Felstead, Bowden Hill, and then Hillcrest.
1939 register, available through
In November 1939 Mr Squire was leaving the district, and an auction sale of furniture and furnishings was to be held.
Western Morning News 25 November 1939, p3 col3
Western Morning News 16 November 1940, p4 col2
In August the Western Times reported that he had left £64,470 17s gross. He was of Kenwyn.
Western Times 15 August 1941, p4 col4
Western Morning News 10 January 1942 p2 col7
In 1949 an 'attractive country residence, known as "Kenwyn" ' was for sale. It had 3 reception, 11 bedrooms and 3 acres of grounds. Rippon, Boswell and Co., auctioneers of Exeter, were seeking offers for the property.
Western Daily Press 26 March 1949, p3 col7
By September Devon County Council were advertising posts at Kenwyn, which was about to be opened as a home for 20 elderly people.
Western Morning News 21 September 1949, p5 col3
Right: Baptism photograph of John Berry, with his mother Mary M Berry.
Many thanks to the Berry family for this photograph.

My own photograph 2015
My own photograph 2015

Magna Britannia, Being a concise topographical account of the several counties of Great Britain, Rev Daniel Lysons and Samuel Lysons, Vol 6, Devonshire, 1822, p ccciii
A fortnight later the death of Mrs. Berry, the relict of the late R. Berry, was announced. She was 81.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 23 August 1828 p3 col3
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 6 September 1828 p3 col3
Various members of the Berry family acted as witnesses, including what looks like Richard Berry, plus Susan, Mary, John and John Berry Jnr.
Exeter Flying Post 5 October 1815 p4,col2
Parish register
Western Times 8 February 1840 p3 col1
NB Susanna's sister, Mary Bovey, married Robert Palk Mogridge at Ashburton on 10th July 1828. He was a surgeon; she is described as the daughter of John Bovey of Peartree.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 12 July 1828 p3 col3
May 2nd 1835. Mary Michelmore Berry, the daughter of John Berry, died aged 11. She was described as his second daughter.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 9 May 1835 p2 col6
In the 1841 census John Berry, aged approximately 50, was living in Mill Street; he was a serge m[anufacturer].
Western Times 25 November 1848 p5 col1
Western Times 26 January 1850, p8 col5
White's Directory of 1850 says 'The Wesleyans have a chapel in the town, which was leased to them for 21 years, at a nominal rent, by the late Mr. John Berry, in 1834.'
The same directory lists Richard Leach Berry, gentleman, as living in Chagford.
History, Gazetteer and Directory of Devonshire, 1850, William White p186
1870 Richard Leach Berry of Chagford married Grace Caunter of Ashburton on June 8th at Ashburton church. Richard's father was named as John Berry, merchant, and Grace's father was John Caunter, 'Esquire'.
Parish records
Richard Leach Berry died at Chagford on December 22nd, 1873, aged 57.
According to an obituary in the Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, his father was the late John Berry of Chagford, and Richard was the only son to survive infancy.
Born in 1816, he was educated at Shrewsbury, and had a lifelong interest in natural history, geology and archaeology. He was a founder member of the Teign Naturalists' Field Club and of the Devonshire Association. He 'worked diligently' at offices such as Churchwarden and Guardian of the Poor.
Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association,vol 6, 1874, p370
1904 A case was being heard in the Chancery court regarding the claim of one Jane Berry, spinster, to the estate of Elizabeth Leach Cox, widow. Elizabeth had died at Bystock Terrace, Exeter, on January 9th 1903, and other claimants to the estate were being sought. Elizabeth, nee Berry, had married Frederick Charles Cox on 8th April 1875, and had had no children. She was the grandchild of Richard Berry, sergemaker of Ashburton, who had died on 17th August 1828.* Richard Berry was believed to have had two children - John, the father of Elizabeth Leach Berry, and Elizabeth, who married James Narroway Franklyn, and died in 1840. Elizabeth Franklyn had two children, James, who died in infancy and one, Mary Elizabeth, who married Henry Robley.
Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 24 August 1904 p1 col4
* A problem here is that when Richard's daughter Elizabeth married James N. Franklyn in 1815, her father was described as 'the late Richard Berry'. See the Ashburton Berry family, above. Might it have meant to say, 'Richard Berry, late of Ashburton' ?