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Feel free to use the material on this site for your own research or non-commercial purposes - but please also acknowledge where it came from. Please do not re-use images which have been given to me by other people - I will probably be perfectly happy for you to use my own photographs, but do contact me first.

This website is only possible because of the generosity of others, and because I abide by the rules - both the written rules, and those of politeness. As the memorial in the old Congregational church says, 'Go ye and do likewise'.


*                                                 Search tips                                                *

Once you are on the page which has the word you are searching for, pressing 'Ctrl' and 'F' on your keyboard will bring up a box, in which you can write the word again. The word will then be highlighted on the page.

I usually use the spellings as written in the documents where I have found the information, so try different spellings.

Nothing on what you are searching for? Email me at     and I will see what I can find out.