Virtual Museum - The 1940s

These World War 2 medals were awarded to George Pengilley.
They comprise:
The 1939-45 Star
The Efficiency Medal
The Defense Medal
The War Medal 1939-45

George's wife Mabel later wrote: 'I met my future husband at a dance in aid of comfort for the troops.He had been in Radstock a week and was billetted with a local family, having been in the territorial army he was called up three days before the war started. His previous employment was in the gardens and poultry farm at Buckfast Abbey, Devon. George and I were married in Radstock church 5 Feb 1942........
After the war we went to Ashburton, Devon to live. George was born there and his parents and family lived local. .....
George worked at Staverton Builders, Staverton, Devon for 32 years....
I had worked at the Dartmoor Motel Ashburton for 18 years, and retired with George. We were both careful with money and had bought our house.'
Thanks to Sue Pengilley for these items

This is the medal of a Past Master of the Masonic Lodge, from a private collection.
The medal shows the Town Arms, and the recipient was P. W. Gilpin. It was awarded in 1947/48.
The Ashburton Lodge received its warrant of Constitution in 1886, and received its lodge number - 2189 - from 1894 onwards. Meetings were held from 1887 at the Commercial Hotel, North Street. (Lane's Masonic Records 1717 - 1894
Masonic Hall, Chuley Road

Right: An identity card, from my own collection. At the outbreak of war in 1939 a second national register was established (the first being during the First World War). It's use was three fold: national security, organizing military and other service, and, crucially, rationing of supplies. Identity cards based on the register were issued - soon, you could only legally claim a rations book if you held one of these
Identity cards continued to be issued until 1952
(See Jon Agar's 'Identity cards in Britain: past experience and policy implications' for a discussion on identity cards)

Linhay Hill refers to the quarry at the eastern end of the town - Globe Arch no longer exists, but was behind North Street, roughly where Ashburn Close is today.


Below: Invoices from G B Soper
Thanks to Jane and Arthur Smith for these items.

Left: A price ticket from G B Soper, butcher at 42 East Street. Each individual part could be removed to alter the price - in this case it is 2/6d, (two shillings and sixpence) or one eighth of £1.
Thanks to Jane and Arthur Smith for this object.
Below: An advertisement from the Ashburton Official Guide - undated, but post 1947.

In 1861 Post Office Savings Banks were set up by the government. The aim was to encourage ordinary people to save and build up funds for themselves to use in times of hardship.
(see for more on the history)
Ashburton opened on 16th September 1861
By the end of 1870 the town had 88 depositors and £741 14s deposited.
Western Times 7 Sept 1861 p6 col1
Western Times 17 October 1871 p5 col5

David Pengilley's parents began saving on his behalf from the year he was born.
In February
1971 there is a stamp that says 'Decimal' when the country changed from
pounds, shillings and pence to decimal currency.
Many thanks to Sue Pengilley for the above item